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Michelle DiMauro


This past month has been our busiest yet. We had a ton of friends and family visit us from mid-November until yesterday. We partied, shopped, cooked, cleaned, decorated, painted and hung out with the cows as much as time permitted. Which was not much; I think we are both looking forward to much more cow time in the future.

While we take a breath and try to get our bearings, I've thought a lot about what we will be doing in the coming months. Here is what I'm thinking. We'll see what Anthony thinks after he reads this. Finish the Interior of the Chicken Coop

The last room in the coop that needs to be demo'd

We haven't done any work on the coop for months. A few weeks ago we finally got new windows installed and have a few new doors that need to go in as well. We plan to vacuum the rest of the ancient spider webs and tear down the remaining raccoon poop walls. It all sounds so sexy, I just can't wait to get back out there. Ugh. Get Ready for the Bees

We have finally figured out where we are going to put our first two beehives. I have ordered our bees and they will come in sometime next year, in late Spring. In the meantime we need to order our boxes and equipment and read up on everything we should know as beginning beekeepers. Clean the Heifer Barn

When we got our girls, it was a quick decision and we did not have time to get the barn looking as nice as I wanted. Anthony told me it didn't matter, that it would be filled up with cow poop in no time, but it's really bothering me. The stanchions are rusty and all of the whitewash is peeling off. The windows need to be repaired so they can open and they could also use a good cleaning. We will wait until it's warm enough for the girls to be outside while most of this is going on. So yay, we don't have to start this one for a bit! Finish painting inside the house

The Master Bedroom - we will paint below the chair rail and above, remove the wallpaper and freshen everything up

After the Kitchen remodel was completed in May, Anthony and I decided to hold off on any other major projects for a while. I have started painting everything in the house until we can make the rest of the changes we are thinking about. All I have left is our Master Bedroom and Master Bathroom, the Dining Room and Parlor, a few doors and some closets. Oh and maybe the Great Room. I can't wait to not paint anything anymore! Clean up the calf barn, because GOATS!

The beautiful light inside the calf barn

The calf barn is in really good shape. The doors could probably be replaced, but the inside looks great. We just need to replace the chip board on the walls, do some sweeping, shop vacuuming, and probably more painting. If we can get this done before summer, I think we will finally be ready for some baby goats! Paint all the things outside

We are planning on having a family reunion here on 4th of July weekend. That means we need to paint ALL OF THE THINGS outside. Or at least it seems like everything. The pool area needs some love and I would love to tackle the brackets and details on the exterior of the house. Oh, and the garage door. And the pole barn. And..and..and... After writing this I'm ready to go and take a nap. Happy New Year and here's to a productive 2016, with lots of breaks in between!

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